A coordinated MAN-POWER initiative providing a continuous flow of volunteer

teams to help in relief and rebuilding.



Our MISSION OBJECTIVE is to ultimately establish a footprint/base camp on Man-O-War Cay, Abaco Bahama from which to operate our Disaster Relief Initiative into severely damaged areas of Abaco.

Why Man-O-War Cay?

Man-O-War Cay is a unique island nestled in the Abacos. While devastated by Hurricane Dorian, most of the residents have chosen to stay and rebuild their island, and help with surrounding areas.

The “spirit” of this island community and people is conducive to it becoming a base camp of HOPE and HELP to surrounding communities in recovery.   

The location of Man-O-War Cay is geographically central to three locations also devastated by hurricane Dorian – Hope Town/Elbow Cay, Marsh Harbour/Dundas Town and Guana Cay…as you will see on the map below. (Each of these communities are within a 20-25 minute boat ride).

We have an established network of pre-existing relationships that will contribute to this ongoing recovering initiative in the Abacos.

PHASE 1: “LIFT THE BURDEN” – 8 to 12 weeks
  • To assist the residents of Man-O-War Cay in their personal recovery efforts.
  • Simply put – we are going to help lift the burden!
  • This will involve volunteer engagement which includes everything from construction to
    debris removal, to cooking meals, to cleaning, to unloading barges or helping to restock
    items in the community center.

We schedule up to 12 Team Members per trip….Saturday to Saturday only.  You may reserve seats for a Team of 6 but not fewer than 6.  Your team will need to plan to stay the week.

If you plan to take a team, please contact us with your requested date ASAP so we can make the request for flight reservations.

See contact information below.

PHASE 2: “REACH BEYOND” – 3 to 6 months

While some work may continue on Man-O-War, our PHASE 2 objective is to begin to reach out to the Marsh Harbour/Dundas Town, Elbow Cay/Hope Town and Guana Cay areas to assist in recovery efforts in those locations.

The tasking will be similar to those described in Phase 1.

At the present time, there is no housing or provision for meals on these Islands. Many of the people have been relocated. We will work to establish these needs for our volunteers as we reach into these settlements.

IN THE ABACOS: There are churches to be rebuilt on Man-O-War Cay, Dundas Town Marsh
Harbour, and potentially on Guana Cay. Those initiatives are being overseen by PEOPLE FOR
www.cogmwoa.org. Each of these organizations are raising money to specifically rebuild churches, all of which are totally destroyed.

While we will assist in those endeavors with Volunteer Teams, our primary objectives are as stated in our Mission Statement above.


To confirm your trip it is ESSENTIAL we have the following:

1. Date of Requested Trip: We need to get it on the calendar and make tentative reservations with Missionary Flights International. (See Work Week dates under VOLUNTEER tab on home page)
2. Individual Names of your 6 person team sent to [email protected]
3. Photo of PASSPORT ID (simply take a picture of the photo ID page of your passport. (1/2 page only)  MAKE SURE THE PHOTO INCLUDES ALL INFORMATION INCLUDING THE NUMBERS AT THE BOTTOM AND IT IS EASY TO READ. Send the photo via email to [email protected]
4. Weight of each person.  The airline requires this information
5. INSURANCE:  Each person is REQUIRED to have insurance for the trip.  MWOA (Men and Women of Action with the Church of God) enables each team member to purchase insurance for $1 a day! You can enroll your teams on the MWOA group travel medical insurance plan online at: https://triptime.pointcomfort.com/?companyId=MWA84004800410&plan=VolPr1

The plan covers medical expenses for new illnesses and accidents while your teams are traveling and serving outside the US.  The plan features: 

  1. $50,000 medical benefit
  2. $500,000 for emergency medical evacuation
  3. Repatriation of mortal remains
  4. $250 deductible per person

Please note, the insurance does not cover pre-existing medical conditions.

We have arranged with Missionary Flights International (MFI) to fly on their DC3 plane out of Fort Pierce, Florida to Marsh Harbour, Abaco Bahamas. We have agreed to a minimum 6 person team for a round trip price of $200 per person. (This is an amazing price….we are basically donating towards fuel cost to an incredible organization!) Most flights are morning flights. However things do change.

BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE per person:  40 lbs – (TOTAL weight, which includes a carry on bag, backpack, etc.) Note:  we suggest a soft-sided bag such as a duffle or canvas type bag.

DEPARTURE:  Your team will depart MFI’s hanger in the morning. Your team should be at the MFI hanger at 7AM.

PARKING: If you drive to Fort Pierce, you may leave you vehicle at MFI.  You will be required to leave your keys with the receptionist.

Transportation or any overnight stay to Fort PIERCE IS NOT INCLUDED IN OUR PRICE. The closest airports are West Palm Beach FL, Orlando International, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. You will need to provide transportation from these (or other) airports to Fort Pierce FL. Shuttles may be available.

Once you have landed in Marsh Harbour, MFI has a taxi/van that will transport you to the Ferry Dock.

FERRY: The Ferry will take you to Man-O-War. (There may be a stop at Hope Town on Elbow Cay, so don’t be in a hurry-it’s the Bahamas way of life) Once you are at the Ferry Dock, your Team Leader will be asked to text the Operations Manager on Man-O-War to let him know you are on your way.  He will meet you at the Ferry dock in Man-O-War.

  • HOT Tropical Climate
  • Plan to Hydrate FREQUENTLY
  • 2 meals a day (lunch & dinner) are provided
  • No store. However the community center does have some supplies. They are free (at least for now)
  • NO ELECTRICITY: The Island does not expect electricity for 12 months.
    * No refrigeration
    * No AC (except possibly at night when the generator may be run)
  • At night, there will be a generator to run a fan, possibly an AC unit. You will sleep on a twin air mattress. Plan to bring a set of twin sheets, unless told otherwise.
  • Cold showers (with water buckets)
    * MOW does not have fresh water. They have cisterns, a limited amount of water based on the size of the cistern. Water is collected on the roofs and flows into the cistern from the rain gutters. So water is used sparingly.
  • Toilets – yes….you will flush with 2 ½ gallons of water from the cistern since there is no
  • Walk everywhere. Wear comfortable shoes. NO BAREFOOT!
  • There is a volunteer Doctor on the Island. However, there are no emergency services, and “or” clinics, etc.
  • The COG parsonage has a generator and a washing machine. So there is the possibility of washing clothes.
  • Any medicines you will need. Supplies are VERY LIMITED ON MOW.
  • Clothing: work clothes, shorts, t-shirt, HAT, socks, closed shoes (tennis shoes ok)
    Sunday: jeans and nicer shirt for service
  • Swim trunks (in case you have a chance to jump in the ocean when work is over…a nice way to cool off)
  • MEALS: The Island provides lunch and dinner daily for our Teams.  Breakfast is not included so be sure to bring snacks, instance coffee breakfast bars, etc. Recently, the grocery store on MOW has opened with limited supplies.  Purchases may be made with American dollars
  • Toiletries
  • 2 towels (we suggest thin towels as opposed to thick…they dry faster.)
  • Work gloves
  • HAT
  • Sunscreen
  • If you are prone to dehydration, we suggest you get the PROPEL packets to add to the water bottles (provided)
  • Twin sheet set & pillow case. Plan to take the sheets and towels back home with you.  Water is limited so laundering the sheets and towels is not cost or energy effective. 
  • Charger for phone. Phones can be charged at night when the generator is run.



The company ALIV has come into the Abacos and set up cell service. PLEASE check with your Mobile Phone Provider about INTERNATIONAL FEES and RATES! Specifically ask about their International plan and what it includes or does not include (calls/texts).


PLEASE UNDERSTAND that we are daily receiving NEW and evolving INFORMATION. THINGS CHANGE. This is the nature of Disaster Relief. BLESSED ARE THE FLEXIBLE FOR THEY SHALL NOT BE BROKEN! We will work diligently to provide the most accurate, up to date information for your trip! But please be patient should things change.



About Man-O-War Cay

The people who live on MOW are hardworking, generous, friendly and courageous. Most of the families have chosen to rebuild since the devastation of Hurricane Dorian. Many of the women and children are presently off the Island with family or friends in other parts of the Bahamas or in the States while their homes and island are being restored.

The MOW community is a very close-knit, conservative and strong Christian community. British Loyalists settled in Man-O-War in the late 1700’s. While the Bahamas is an independent country and a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, many Bahamians still hold an affection for the Crown.

The residents on MOW have been overwhelmingly appreciative of all of the relief efforts, volunteers and prayer.

Many of the Islanders are builders, boat builders and fisherman. The Bahamian way of life is more relaxed than ours in the United States. However they work hard and are very passionate about their way of life and doing things. Ours is to assist and help lift their burden in every way! You will fall in love with the people and the island!

Once you are on MOW, you will meet our on-site Operations Manager. He will be your Team Leaders go-to person for the week and has all the information for your housing, meals and work.

Latest News and Relief Info

Update 9/23/19

ABACO DISASTER RELIEF: TODAY: We need HELP with feeding the volunteer workers on the island. BODIES...MEN or WOMEN who will volunteer to go and assist with the meals, serving and cleaning. There is a man on the Island who owns a restaurant (volunteer workers have...

Update 9/22/19

ABACO DISASTER RELIEF. Our Team is on the ground in MOW and look forward to a great day serving this wonderful community! We still need a team for Oct 5 - Oct 12....so email me at [email protected] if you are interested....ask around...share this post please....

Contact us for more info

10 + 6 =